Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dancing Outdoors like Nobody's Watching

This Sunday, May 23rd, The Monocle Eclectic Dance Company shall embrace the 85 degree sunny-day forecast and rehearse outdoors at The Monument in Logan Square. Although a few challenges have arisen given rainy days and generated power malfunctions, we continue progress forward and onward into our 55 minute live dance performance coming up in September.

While being outdoors at a public Chicago monument, our crew of nine are often outnumbered by fellow Chicago-ins. The sights, views, conversations, reactions, and intrigues bring a smile to my face. Although I must admit that our rehearsals are very focused, working choreography through spacing, timing, and dynamics- the life within the intersection of Kedzie Avenue, Milwaukee Avenue, and Logan Boulevard certainly is a universe within itself. The blend of our rehearsal and this place is thrilling, and the people are amazing.

Just two weeks ago, our group met the bravest 4 year old I've ever seen. His father had brought him to The Monument in jeans and long sleeves, with a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads and a skate board. Ladies and gentlemen, this kid was a pro his first time on the board! He was riding downhill alone, after his Dad helped him secure his starting stance, he road down the curving hill of pavement, and catapulted himself into the grass at the T of sidewalk at the bottom of the hill. All at The Monument were impressed. That same Sunday, one couple of on lookers were enjoying a picnic in the grass and approached one of our company members. They asked, "What are you guys rehearsing for?" Brittany explained our performances coming up in September and told them we'd be rehearsing at the monument on Sunday evenings until then, weather permitting. They responded, "Cool, we'll be back to watch, this is great." We officially have two fans!

Along with some great people, there have been some Chicago-ins not as thrilled with our presence, but we'll keep on keeping on because dance IS happening in Logan Square.

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